What We Do

We are working with local communities for the improvement of their livelihoods while participating in conservation initiatives. We are dedicating our efforts for sustainable beekeeping practices and Conservation as an initiative for poverty alleviation among youth and women living close to protected areas across Tanzania.


Beehives Workshop

We manufacture beehives and donate them to support the livelihoods of community groups (women and youth) for beekeeping projects to generate income through honey production.

Beehives Workshop

General beekeeping and capacity building

We train local beekeeper groups on beehive making, building capacity in hive management, beehive inspections, and safe hygienic harvesting and processing of bee products to meet the required market standards.

General beekeeping and capacity building

Market links

We connect and link beekeeper groups with apiary product buyers. Furthermore, we encourage peer exchange of knowledge about beehive making, while establishing collectives in villages for local beekeepers.

Market links

Additional value

We support groups of beekeepers by offering training related to the value of additional bee products, such as making candles from beeswax, making wine from honey, and making honey scrubs.

Future Sustainability

Peace for Conservation will construct a Honey Processing Center called Inuka Tanzania Honey Traders. All beekeeper members must register as members of the Inuka Tanzania Honey Traders to be eligible to use the Honey Processing Center.