Contact Info
Phone: +255 757 889 794
Dr Courtney Hughes
Board of Directors & Advisory Women & girls’ health and sanitation project Director
PhD, Conservation Biology
MEd, Environmental Education 
BSc, Bachelor of Natural Science
BEd, Bachelor of Education

Dr. Courtney Hughes is a conservation social scientist, Hold PhD of Conservation Biology with over a decade working with communities both in Canada and internationally on various wildlife conservation, environmental education and community capacity-building projects. International projects have included working with under-represented and under-privileged girls in SW Cameroon and understanding bushmeat consumption and livelihoods, cheetah conservation programming in Namibia, developing Belize’s national primary science curriculum and teacher professional development.

Locally, Courtney has worked across northern Canadian communities to help children participate in sports and recreation, as well as advancement of eco-literacy projects. She is also an instructor at Oxford’s WildCRU program, and has been a Rotary Director of International Projects for the Peace River Club for over five years. In collaboration with Peace for Conservation and other organizations, Courtney hopes to assist with connecting wildlife conservation with healthy, sustainable livelihoods and educational outreach.

Aspires to conserve Wildlife, engage Communities for Wildlife Protection and Improved Sustainable Social Welfare